Here is a link to a breakdown of the CPS FY 16 Capital Budget Requests. The School Committee voted in December to go forward with $550,000 in Cash Capital requests. These requests are divided among the following areas of need:
-Building Repairs/Improvement $234,544
-Technology $93,116
-Program Improvements $174,382
-Furniture & Fixtures $37,958
-Extraordinary Maintenance $10,000
In addition, the Committee voted to move forward with $840,000 in Long Term Debt Capital Requests. The two areas that these requests focus on are the;
-Classroom Interactive Projector Project $300,000
-School Buses (6) related to the district's attempt to create later start times for our high school students. $540,000
We will be meeting with the Capital Planning Committee tonight and the Finance Committee in March to discuss these capital budget requests.