The following is an update on guidance news at CHS for the month of March from Guidance Director, Dan Rubin
As the calendar turns to March, we look ahead to a number of important milestones and events (like maybe
even the day when we might once again see grass!) Course Selection for 2015-2016 will take place, along
with other transitional events. Our seniors move closer to graduation and their transition to life beyond high
school. Our juniors will start to sharpen their vision for their post-secondary plans. Likewise we will host a
workshop for parents of eleventh graders as they prepare to support their child’s journey. All of our
students will eagerly anticipate the increased daylight and warmer weather that heralds the arrival of
Mr. Folan and I will host an informational evening all about the course selection process on Monday,
March 16th. There will be a specialized presentation for parents of incoming 9th graders at 6:00 pm followed
by a more general program for parents of current 9th-11th graders at 7:30. We will be available to answer
your questions regarding the entire course selection process.
In order to make the course selection process as smooth as possible for every student we ask students and
parents to consider seriously their choices and to realistically expect to remain in those classes and at those
levels for the length of the course. Students must complete their course selections thoughtfully, because the
enrollment tallies will drive our decision making in building the master schedule, and it will not be possible
for students to make schedule changes once the master schedule is built. The timing of this process allows
us access to accurate information as budget decisions are made for next year. Please be aware that
students will select their courses on Wednesday and Thursday, March 18th and 19th. Verification
sheets confirming courses and levels selected will be sent home by the first week in April, and any
requests for changes must be received by Thursday, April 16th in order to be considered. Requests to
change course selections will not be considered after April 16th.
Additionally, I wish to share the March portion of the MCAS testing schedule. The MCAS Calendar was
pushed back one week due to all of the weather-related school disruptions. All sophomores and any juniors
who have never taken any MCAS tests will take the English Language Arts portion of the Grade 10 MCAS
on March 31, April 1, and April 2 (T,W,F). Tuesday and Thursday testing will take place during Second
through fourth blocks, from 8:16 to 11:25. On Wednesday, the testing will begin at 8:16 and will run until
10:04. All of the testing is planned in such a way as to minimize missed class time.
Tuesday, March 31
ELA: Reading Comprehension sessions 1
& 2 (8:16-11:25)
Wednesday, April 1
ELA: Reading Comprehension session 3 (8:16-10:04)
Thursday, April 2
ELA: Composition (8:16-11:25)
Students will be notified of the MCAS testing schedule and of their room assignments in advance of