Canton School Committee
Canton, MA
September 3, 2015
6:30 PM Executive Session
7:00 Open Session
Canton High School
Distance Learning Lab
The Canton Public Schools strives to develop students who are competent and creative thinkers, curious and confident learners, and compassionate citizens.
A. Call to Order
B. Executive Session- For the purpose of discussing issues related to contractual matters and personal service contract issues.
C. Routine Matters
1. Approve Minutes dated August 20, 2015
2. Approve Executive Session Minutes dated August 20, 2015
3. Approve Bill Schedule dated 9/10/15
D. Public Comments/Questions
E. Superintendent’s Report: Ms. Henderson will provide an update on the week of August 31 opening of school activities, and on a variety of matters going on throughout the district.
F. Student Member Report: Derek Folan will update the School Committee on the Canton High School student representatives who will be reporting out for student related district activities this year.
G. Old Business - None
H. New Business
1. Program for International Student Assessment: Derek Folan, Principal, Canton High School will report on the PISA being administered this year at Canton High School as well as provide an update on ACT college entrance exam.
2. Special Education Program Overview: Debra Bromfield, Director for Students Services will report out on the Special Education Programming six year shift. She will also provide a brief overview of Circuitbreaker.
3. Bus Update: Barry Nectow, Business Manager, will provide an update following Day One of the new bus routes, additional bus routes and later start time impact.
4. Student/Family Handbook Appendix: A brief overview of the contents of the Handbook Appendix will be provided with approval request.
I. Business Manager Report: Barry Nectow will provide the Year End Report Summary. He will also propose a new, more aggressive time line for the school budget completion.
J. Sub-Committee Reports
1. TEC- Robert Golledge
2. CPC – Mike Loughran
3. BRC- John Bonanzio
4. Wellness- Kristin Mirliani
5. Finance – Reuki Schutt
6. Building Use – John Bonnanzio
K. Future Business – Next Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2015
L. Other Business
M. Adjournment